Concerning our senior AFS student Miguel Bermeo . . .
Below is an e-mail received from Steve Aschmann:
“I learned this morning that our senior AFS student Miguel Bermeo died yesterday [14 July 2020]. Miguel discovered that he had pancreatic cancer in late fall [2019]. After visiting his daughters in New York after Christmas [2019], he returned to Ecuador to enjoy his last months in his homeland. He passed away peacefully. Miguel spent his career serving the United Nations in various capacities. While at TJ, he lived with Larry Maier. I drove him to class on most mornings. At this point I do not have any contacts for sending sympathy notes.”
Below is a link to a Richmond Times-Dispatch article on Miguel Bermeo from 18 November 2018 which provides a nice overview of Miguel’s time here in Richmond with his host family, complete with picture.
50th Reunion held September 15, 2018 was a success!